Hararies chose a name that connects them with their root while at the same time charts their future. The name ‘Harari Revival Movement’ is derived from its Harari root name “Harari Higagnot Kushkushti”. The name “Harari Higagnot Kushkushti” made up of three words in Harari language: 1) The word “Harari” represents the people. 2) The word “Higagnot” derived from the word “Mahagen”, which means replacing (taking over) the ancestors responsibility who were providing service to their people and country. 3) Kushkushti means a movement to achieve once goal. The organization uses “HRM” for its English name abbreviation and “HHK” for its Harari name abbreviation.
The logo of the organization is chosen to represent architectural place in Harari house. The place is called “Waram Moraj”. Waram Moraj is a designated place in Harari house where the inhabitants of the house store their armament during peace time.
Our Organization’s Vision Statement is: To be a democratic political party representing Harari Regional State and Harari people. To be a democratic political party that plays important role in Ethiopian politics by making positive and constructive contribution to discharge our share of responsibility.
Our flag is the flag of Adal Sultanate or Kingdom of Adal, this flag is 945 years old. the kingdom-controlled territory in the Eastern region of Africa, this flag was carried by Amir Abdel (Aw Abdel), Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi and rest of the Amir and Sultans of Harar to represent the kingdom.
Here is some of the Portuguese infantries had their first glimpse of Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi and document their observations, as recorded by Catanoso:
While his camp was being pitched, the king of Zaila Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi ascended a hill with several horse and some foot to examine us: he halted on the top with three hundred horse and three large banners, two white with red moons, and one red with a white moon, which always accompanied him, and [by] which he was recognized.
We carry this flag to honour our grandfathers and who we are.